Breast Augmentation in Tampa Bay

Breast Implants in Tampa Bay Dr. Anahita Azharian offers top quality, affordable Breast Augmentation in Tampa area. Choose between saline, silicone, or gummy bear implants. Get your dream size and shape!

Get Your Dream Breasts with Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

If you are embarrassed by a bustline that appears underdeveloped or unbalanced, or if your bust has decreased in size following pregnancy, weight loss or as a result of the aging process, it may be time to consider breast augmentation (also known as breast enhancement or breast implants) to restore your youthful figure or perhaps, for the first time, grant you the shape you’ve always desired. The Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anahita Azharian, offers compassionate and comprehensive care for women who live in Tampa and around Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas like Wesley Chapel and interested in breast augmentation.

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Breast Augmentation in Tampa and Wesley Chapel FAQ

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the bustline and increases the size of the breasts through the insertion of saline- or silicone-filled implants to enlarge, enhance, or balance the bust. This procedure, also known as mammoplasty, provides the following benefits:

  • Increases the fullness, volume, and projection of the breasts
  • Improves and balances the symmetry of the bustline
  • Boosts a woman’s self-image and self-confidence

Dr. Anahita Azharian at Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center has spent over 10 years working with women across the Tampa region — including residents of Wesley Chapel and St. Petersburg — to help them address these concerns. By carefully listening to their issues, she has come to fully understand the complexities of the service that she offers, and has helped thousands of patients in Tampa Bay and neighboring Florida communities to achieve their aesthetic goals through breast augmentation.

You may be a good candidate for breast augmentation if you are in overall good health and if you have the following concerns:

  • You are embarrassed or frustrated by breasts that are too small.
  • You are fed up with clothing fitting comfortably in the hips but being too large at the bustline.
  • You avoid swimsuits or form-fitting tops because they appear unflattering.
  • Your breasts have decreased in size, volume, and firmness after pregnancy.
  • Your breasts have decreased in size, volume, and firmness as a result of weight fluctuations.
  • Your breasts are imbalanced by one being significantly larger than the other.

There are many factors to consider when selecting the ideal implants for your breast augmentation. Dr. Azharian has earned a reputation as one of the Tampa area’s most respected plastic surgeons by following up with her patients to ensure that they are fully satisfied with their procedures, even years down the line. Dr. Azharian will assess your situation and help you choose the best implant based on your individual body type and aesthetic preferences.

Our practice offers both silicone and saline breast implants. Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, while silicone implants are filled with a synthetic gel. At Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center, about 85% of our breast augmentation patients select the silicone gel over the saline implants, mainly because the silicone implants result in a much softer and more natural feel, and less incidence of rippling.

One of the best ways to help you decide what kind of look you prefer in breast augmentation is to look at photographs of other women’s procedures and their results. In fact, you should look at various breast augmentation before and after photos when you are considering the procedure and discuss with Dr. Azharian your preferences as evidenced by the photos.

After your breast augmentation surgery, your chest will be covered with surgical dressings, and it is quite likely that you may experience soreness and swelling in the area for several weeks, however, this discomfort is manageable, and most patients are able to return to work about a week after their procedure.

Dr. Azharian will provide specific instructions regarding activities that you should avoid or limit during the recovery process. It is vital that you follow her instructions meticulously in order to achieve the fastest recovery and the best results. If you have any questions or concerns while recovering, please contact our skilled and friendly staff at Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center, and we will be happy to assist you. Our staff is deeply invested in each patient’s procedure and results, and we follow your progress and support you every step of the way, whether you live in Wesley Chapel, Tampa, St. Petersburg, or other neighboring communities.

Breast augmentation is a highly personalized procedure, and its cost depends on the type of implant used, as well as many other factors. To inquire about the cost of breast augmentation, please contact the friendly staff at the Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center to discuss your options. We will be happy to openly discuss all aspects of the procedure with you, including expenses and payment terms. Dr. Azharian also offers flexible financing options for all of her patients.

A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that usually requires about one to two hours and the use of general anesthesia. Dr. Azharian will create a small incision in either the fold under the breast, the bottom edge of the areola, or the armpit, then insert the implant behind the natural breast tissue or beneath the muscles of the chest wall, depending on the patient’s individual shape and goal. The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesive or surgical tape.

Implants differ in shape for a number of reasons just as natural breasts do. There is no “one size fits all” nor is there a “one shape fits all” rule in breast augmentation. Quite the contrary, the most natural results are achieved when you choose the best type of implant for your body type. Among the choices of implants available at The Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center are smooth implants, textured implants, implants with different profiles (projection), volume adjustable implants, saline filled, silicone gel filled, and double-lumen saline/gel implants.

This is a very personal choice, but Dr. Azharian will point out the specific differences between one type of implant and the next, as well as what to expect when selecting a specific size of the implant. Some women prefer a dramatic voluptuous silhouette, while others opt for a more natural-looking enhancement.

During your consultation with Dr. Azharian, she will assess your condition as well as your goals for a breast augmentation. Taking into account your natural bustline as well as your desired size and shape, she will help you select the specific type of implant to help you achieve the look and feel you want.

High-profile implants are designed to make the breast project further out than moderate-profile or moderate-plus implants. A 350 cc implant inflated to 380-400 cc could produce a projection of 3.9, 6.2, or 6.9 cm depending on the type of implant that you choose. A high-profile implant will also give more projection with a narrower base than a moderate profile implant for women with a narrow chest. An anatomic (tear drop) implant produces more projection in the lower portion of the breast.

With cohesive silicone implants approved by the FDA, patients have new options that they can use to get the breasts they truly desire. Traditional silicone implants had problems with shell rapture + leaking of silicone content, but Cohesive Gel silicone is a solid material that cannot leak and feels more like a natural breast.

Breast Augmentation Benefits Summary

Added Volume and Curves

Some women are born with breasts that are naturally small and flat and don’t provide their desired curves to their physique. Because breast implants especially add volume to the top of the breasts, a breast augmentation is a perfect way to add volume and curves to your silhouette, making you feel more voluptuous and feminine. Whether your goal is to go up to a certain cup size, fill out a bikini top, or just have curves in your everyday clothing, a breast augmentation can give you that new look you desire.

Even Out Naturally Asymmetrical Breasts

All women have some degree of breast asymmetry. But for some women, the differences in their breast sizes are so noticeable that it makes shopping for bras and bathing suits difficult, and the differences can be embarrassingly noticeable in clothing. A breast augmentation is a great way to balance out naturally uneven breasts for women. Because you can choose a different breast implant size, shape and profile per breast, a breast augmentation can allow you to finally have evenly matched breasts that fit well into bras, bathing suits, and clothing.

Restore Breasts After Pregnancy and Aging

We all know that pregnancy can take a toll on a mother’s body, especially her breasts. Mothers often end up with breasts that are sagging and have decreased volume, particularly if they breastfed their babies. And even women who do not have children notice similar changes in their breasts as gravity takes over as they age. A breast augmentation is a fantastic way to restore lost volume to breasts and make them appear more youthful and perkier.

Request Your Consultation Today with Dr. Azharian

To learn more about breast augmentation in Tampa Bay and neighboring communities, take a moment to contact Dr. Azharian at the Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center today, serving patients across the Tampa region, including Wesley Chapel, St. Petersburg, Plant City, Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, Brandon and Spring Hill. Discover how Dr. Azharian’s high degree of compassion, understanding, experience, and professional expertise set her apart from other breast augmentation surgeons. Book your consultation with Dr. Azharian today to discuss your breast implant options: (813) 696-0644

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We are a modern cosmetic plastic surgery practice that prioritizes patient safety, comfort, and effective outcomes. We service Tampa and surrounding areas. Learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Disclaimer: All information on this site is for informative purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Any/all communications through this website do not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Images may not be copied, printed or otherwise disseminated without express permission from Dr. Azharian.

2404 Creel Ln Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544